UXScotland keynote: Systems, discontinuities and thinking beyond UI
The super people at UXScotland invited me to give one of their 2018 keynotes, for which I gave an introduction to what I call ‘big picture’ IoT UX.
From their site:
“From voice assistants to smart energy meters, services enabled by connected, embedded hardware are gradually becoming a part of day to day life. Designing for IoT isn’t just hardware hacking: software UX-ers are increasingly working on services enabled by hardware.
”But designing systems which blend physical and digital isn’t like pure software UX. It requires a different mindset: for example, UX is distributed, and delays and failure states are part of normal use. It requires good interdisciplinary understanding: designers need to wrap their heads around the basics of technical architecture and creating viable business models.
In this talk, Claire covers the essential questions designers need to consider when creating connected products or hardware-enabled services and explains what it’s really like to work with IoT.”
Watch the video on the organisers’ Vimeo feed, or find the slides here.